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An Event is the runtime representation of an item being processed by crowdsec. It can represent:

  • a Log line being parsed: Type is set to log, and Line, Parsed and Meta are populated
  • an appsec rule match (Appsec holds the WAF rule match info)
  • an overflow being reprocessed (Overflow is used)

The Event object is modified by parsers, scenarios, and passed along. The representation of the object can be found here : Event object documentation.

Event Object : Log Line

When Event is a log line, evt.GetType() returns log, and the following fields are used:

  • Meta and Parsed maps are holding parsing results.
  • Line holds the representation of the original Log line.

Event Object : Overflow

When Event is an overflow being reprocessed (reprocess: true in the originating scenario), evt.GetType() returns appsec, and the Overflow object is used.

Event Object : Appsec

When Event is an event from the WAF/Appsec engine, evt.GetType() returns appsec, and the Appsec field is used, more specifically Appsec.MatchedRules.

Event Methods

Logs & Alerts Helpers


The event object holds a Time field that is set to the date of the event (in time-machine mode) or the time of event acquisition (in live mode). As it is a golang's time.Time object, all the time helpers are available, but only a few are showcased here.

Event.Time.Hour() int

Returns the hour of the day of the event.

filter: "evt.Meta.log_type == '...' && (evt.Time.Hour() >= 20 || evt.Time.Hour() < 6)

Will detect if the event happened between 8pm and 6am (NWO).

Event.Time.Weekday().String() string

Returns the day of the week as a string (Monday, Tuesday etc.).

filter: "evt.Meta.log_type == '...' && evt.Time.Weekday().String() in ['Saturday', 'Sunday']

Will detect if the event happend over the weekend (NWD).

GetMeta(Key) Value

Returns the first value for the Key Meta if it exists in the event.


SetMeta(key, value) bool

Sets the value of key to value in the Meta map.

evt.SetMeta('foobar', 'toto)

GetType() String

Returns the type of event, overflow, appsec or log.

evt.GetType() in ["log", "appsec"]

ParseIPSources() []net.IP

Returns the list of IPs attached to the event, for both overflow and log type.

SetParsed(key, value) bool

Sets the value of key to value in the Parsed map.

Appsec Helpers

If the Event is the result of a rule being, matched, Event.Appsec is present.

Appsec.GetVar(name) value

Returns the value of the Appsec var name.



MatchedRules is the list of rules that matched in the HTTP Request. It is an array of map, and each entry contains the following keys:

  • id, name, msg, rule_type, tags, file, confidence, revision, secmark, accuracy, severity, kind

evt.Appsec.MatchedRules and use below functions

Various filtering methods are available:

  • MatchedRules.ByAccuracy(accuracy string) MatchedRules
  • MatchedRules.ByDisruptiveness(is bool) MatchedRules
  • MatchedRules.ByID(id int) MatchedRules
  • MatchedRules.ByKind(kind string) MatchedRules
  • MatchedRules.BySeverity(severity string) MatchedRules
  • MatchedRules.ByTag(match string) MatchedRules
  • MatchedRules.ByTagRx(rx string) MatchedRules
  • MatchedRules.ByTags(match []string) MatchedRules
  • MatchedRules.GetField(field Field) []interface{}
  • MatchedRules.GetHash() string
  • MatchedRules.GetMatchedZones() []string
  • MatchedRules.GetMethod() string
  • MatchedRules.GetName() string
  • MatchedRules.GetRuleIDs() []int
  • MatchedRules.GetURI() string
  • MatchedRules.GetVersion() string
  • MatchedRules.Kinds() []string

Example usage would be to have on_match rules to alter the WAF remediation:

- filter: |
any( evt.Appsec.MatchedRules, == "crowdsecurity/vpatch-env-access") and
- SetRemediation("allow")

You can view detailed MatchedRules doc here.

Source specific helpers

Source.GetValue() string

Return the Source.Value field value of a Source.

Source.GetScope() string

Return the Source.Scope field value of Source (ip, range ...)